Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Coolest guy in Missoula

This dude is so cool he makes me want to move back. What a little playa. I just want you all to know how awesome this boy is. Pay your respects and subscribe to his blog!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Plain old baby face

This guys can really pull on the ole' bachelor heart strings now and then. These pictures make me want one. It's just that baby face that you can't help but want to pinch. What a cutie!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cooper got a puppy

Well Dad decided to rescue a young German Shepard from the pound and raise her up to be a Cooper guard. This boy has two of the toughest mother dogs to look out for him. It will be interesting to see what happens when he decides they are play toys.

The funny looking Cooper

I found these picture while digging through someone's hard drive and thought that a couple were pretty good. He looked like a little alien :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mr. Rolly-polly

So this little guy is really starting to learn how to move around. He'll be walking and talking in no time at all. I like seeing him struggle with what we think is the simplest things. Amazing to think we all went through this at one point. Ha!

Cooper and his doggy

Well I've been super busy this last week and haven't really had time to post about the little guy. I've been receiving a lot of pictures and video of the little guy and now that I have a minute to breath I'm going to put some up there for all of you to see. These three are some of my favorites. Cooper's doggy is such a good girl and always looking out for him. He is lucky to have her. Plus she is a total goofball :)

The cutest Cubs bib!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cell phone videos are only good for cell phones

I really want to post all the cute little 17 second video I have collected of Cooper but after going through them and considering it I am unable to justify the work to quality ratio. There is some technology being developed right now that is supposed to improve cell video quality but it is still a ways off. Some of these video are really cute too but they look terrible on a computer. So instead I'll just have to post a few more cute little pictures of the guy. I'm sure there will be more coming.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cool video of Cooper

Goodbye Trigger

Lil' Cooper lost a good buddy yesterday. His old time guardian and diaper sniffer, Trigger the dog died of old age. We're gonna miss you Trigger you ole' stink machine you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Some more early pictures

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Right now I think little Cooper is being attended to by his three girl cousins: Ayla, Isha, and Elowin. I do hope those girls are treating him well. I don't want to see any MMS pictures of him with bows in his hair or flowers around his neck! I know they will have a good visit and maybe even learn a few things about taking care of the lil' guy. I'm glad that AC, Chelsea, and the girls made the long trip over to see everybody. Now if I can just figure out a way to get them all down here.....

A few pictures at birth to start with.
Welcome to Cooper's new blog.
Feel free to contribute as you see fit.